Sunday, February 15, 2004
Budget Cuts ResistanceThe University's latest round of budget cuts, cutting deep into a number of important student services offices, has sparked a little resistance. The organization resisting the budget changes for SAPAC called "Our Voices Count," has launched a website, and according to the following email, the LGBT community is organizing as well:
"Subject: ALL FIRED UP!!
We must act up!
The University has not only cut $8,000 from the budget of the Office of LGBT Affairs, it has also terminated Holly Ferrise after six years of dedicated service. All her programs will be cut, no more Speakers' Bureau or LGBT Outreach. We must act up against this and show the administration that this is not what the students need and expect.
Get involved: Monday 7pm 3909 Michigan Union
We can stop these changes!!
allfiredup_info at"
For background, see:
> My post on the SAPAC cuts
> The Activist Origins of SAPAC
> Excerpts from an Open Letter to Royster Harper about SAPAC printed in the Daily
Posted by Rob at 3:36 AM