Wednesday, February 25, 2004
An anonymous community member has launched another website protesting the proposed cuts at the University's SAPAC office. Titled "SAPAC Must Stay ... AS IT IS" the website features a detailed testimonial about the author's experience with SAPAC as a survivor of sexual assault:" ... It is my position that anyone who truly understands what it is like to be sexually assaulted would be against making the proposed changes to SAPAC. Therefore, I believe that the decision made by the UM administration to change SAPAC is one of ignorance rather than one motivated by a lack of compassion. Yet, no matter what the cause of such a decision, it remains an attack on the individuals who have already been victimized. I implore the University of Michigan to consider my statement deeply, and to reverse its decision. Otherwise, I will be forced once again to protect myself against my attacker, except this time I will be vigorously defending myself against those determined to dismantle the services that I need to survive. ... "
See also the website of the organization "Our Voices Count".
Posted by Rob at 1:12 PM