Tuesday, January 20, 2004
A liberal Drudge?As much as I loath the comparison, I've been compared at times to none other than Matt Drudge. While I would hope this website is something more enlightened than that conservative sensationalist, there's certainly reason to make that comparison. More to the point, I thought it interesting to compare traffic data. Although recently traffic to his website seems to have increased, according to data he posts on his website, in the past year he averages just over 5.5 million hits per day. On my website, I receive about 77% the number unique visitors as raw hits, and so using that formula, Drudge would get about 4,264,081 unique visitors per day. That is about 1.458% of the U.S. population (discounting foreign visitors - which might be significant). If I can reasonably expect a similar proportion of visitors from the entire student body (37,864) then I should expect about 552 unique visitors each day. According to my hosting company's built in statistics software, so far this month I have received an average of 481 unique hits per day (including the break period), suggesting I'm nearing my "Drudge limit." However, if one treats the entire city of Ann Arbor as my audience, then I've got a ways to go: I should average over 1,600 hits each day.
Posted by Rob at 2:03 PM