Tuesday, January 06, 2004
Is it just me, or does this seem like too many rules?"... The proposed changes would give preference to those speakers who want to comment on an agenda item. And every agenda item would be limited to two speakers. Additional speakers on that topic would go on a waiting list.
On the day of a meeting, residents would call the clerk's office to request one of the 10 speaking slots. From 8 a.m. to 1 p.m., only speakers on an agenda item could reserve a spot. After 1 p.m., anyone could fill in any remaining slots, if there were any remaining. The current system is first-come, first-serve.
City Council Member Kim Groome opposed any changes.
"I know it is burdensome to sit through these meetings, but it is our responsibility to do so," the 1st Ward Democrat said. ..."
> AANews: "Rule changes on public commentary are delayed"
Also, some break-ins:
"400 block of South Division Street, occurred between Dec. 19 and today. Door kicked in; CD player and radio taken.
1000 block of Hill Street, 4:14 p.m. Sunday. Entry through unlocked window; DVD player and DVDs taken. Total value: $475.
500 block of South Forest Avenue, occurred between Dec. 18 and Monday. Unknown method of entry; laptop computer valued at $2,265 taken.
900 block of South Division Street, occurred between 3 a.m. Sunday and 8 p.m. Monday. Entry through rear patio door; laptop computer valued at $1,800 taken.
1300 block of Forest Court, occurred between Dec. 17 and Monday. No signs of forced entry; laptop computer and computer printer taken. Total value: $2,650. "
Posted by Rob at 7:36 PM