Wednesday, January 14, 2004
From the Ann Arbor News' police beat:"Prowler reported at 2 Ann Arbor homes
Two women in the same neighborhood noticed a man peering into their windows early Monday, Ann Arbor Police reported.
A 28-year-old woman said she was working at her computer at 8 a.m. in her home in the 800 block of East Ann Street when she saw a man outside, reports said. She said he had to climb stairs outside to get a view in the window, and he ran down the staircase when she spotted him, reports said.
A few minutes later, a 23-year-old woman who lives in the 600 block of Lawrence Street said a man was looking into her bathroom window, police said. She gave police the same basic description as the first woman, reports said.
Officers saw a man running in the area, but a police tracking dog was unable to find him, police said. A 37-year-old Milan man driving in the area was identified and released, police said. He also was suspected in a prowling incident in the same neighborhood last year, police said. "
Posted by Rob at 12:31 PM