Friday, January 23, 2004
Although this column is a little old, I think it's worth posting. (Thanks to AAIO's vigilance.) Although I think the problem lies not with the Regents, but with Vice President for Student Affairs Royster Harper, who refused to bring the $1 fee to the Regents for consideration." ... Until last April, students had an ally. The Ann Arbor Tenants Union was a group that fought for our rights, demanding that landlords provide adequate information about our rights and care for our residences throughout our tenure. Due to both the University Board of Regents' refusal to increase tuition by $1 to support MSA-funded programs and the MSA Budget Priorities Committee's superfluous allocation of funds, this program ended. The BPC stealthily stopped funding AATU between semesters, using trickery usually reserved for Jimmy John's price hikes. ... "
> "Sravya Chirumamilla: Trading spaces"
Posted by Rob at 1:59 PM