I have heard that the U-Party Law School candidate has been selected by MSA over the DAAP representative in a tie-breaking vote last night. As Paul Scott is quick to remind me, that brings the totals to Students First 12, U-Party 11, DAAP 1. Moral: you really can run a campaign on an empty platform insulting to Mexicans and hostile to students of color, LGBT students, and activists in general.
Here’s a ‘Detroit Project’ actually worth your time.
U-M Professor Anthony Collings on the censorship of the U.S. media.
You know it’s bad when the administration spinsters admit to the Daily tha “Class sizes may increase as budget shrinks”, and Mary Sue Coleman sets up a special budget website.
Also, something many have feared was coming: a group is writing letters to various institutions asking them to open minority-only scholarships and programs to all students. Fortunately, unlike MIT, I think U-M has enough spine to tell these right-wing activists to stuff it.
Finally, Rick Dorfman is upset the Daily has stop printing the ‘campus truth’ advertisements, while another letter thanks the Daily.