Saturday, November 01, 2003
In accordance with my policy, here's a letter from first ward candidate Rick Lax:"Letter to the Editor:
I know that both Rob Haug (the Green Party candidate) and I (the Independent) are students, and that you had a tough time endorsing his candidacy over mine (because mine is so student-oriented), but I'm disappointed with your decision because I fear it could split the student vote.
Today, I had 7 people going "door-to-door" campaigning with me, and they reported that dozens of people said they got the letter my campaign sent out (2,900 of them) and that they were going to vote for me. I've got a real shot at winning this election because I have support from both the students and the residents.
When I'm elected, I will fight for student issues. I'll fight to make parking easier on central campus. I'll fight to bring student-affordable housing to campus. As an Independent, I can work for the students, without worrying about what any political organization says.
There hasn't been a student on the council for years, even though 1/3 of us here in Ann Arbor are students. On Tuesday, I want to change that--but, for that to happen, I need to have the students unified behind me.
I was the only candidate, including Mr. Haug, to answer your questioner, and I hope that any student reading this will check out my answers and consider voting for me on Tuesday.
Thanks Rob,
Rick Lax "
Posted by Rob at 10:07 PM