Sunday, October 12, 2003
Ok, I can understand a 4-year vision, or perhaps even 50. But 100? Here's part of General Clark's 100-year vision, somewhat vague, but necessarily so, I think:"... Institutionally, our Constitution remains the wellspring of American freedom and prosperity. We must retain a pluralistic democracy, with institutional checks and balances that reflect the will of the majority while safeguarding the rights of the minority. We will seek to maximize the opportunities for private gain, consistent with concern for the public good. And the Clark administration will institute a culture of transparency and accountability, in which we set the world standard for good government. As new areas of concern arise - in the areas of intellectual property, bioethics, and other civil areas - we will assure continued access to the courts, as well as to the other branches of government ... "
Wait a minute, did he just say "civil"? I suppose you can take the general out of the military, but you can't take the military out of the general. Meanwhile, Bush has launched a blog recently as part of an aggressive online strategy. However, unlike Dean, his blog has no "comments" feature. Perhaps they don't really care what we think?
Posted by Rob at 1:30 AM