Sunday, April 27, 2003
Spring commencement was Saturday, where Governor Granholm's told the graduates:"There are some U of M grads who are complete and total losers. Here's my first bit of advice: Do not be one of them."
The University press office released photos of the governor posing with sunglasses with President Coleman before the ceremony. (From the Ann Arbor News: "Governor to grads: Don't waste diplomas")
From the Associated Press story about commencement:
Ben Conway, a classic language and literature major from Rochester, N.Y., agreed. He said Granholm's calls for leadership were particularly appealing he hopes to work for the gay rights advocacy group Human Rights Campaign or the American Civil Liberties Union in the future.
"I registered to vote in Michigan this year specifically to vote for her," the 23-year-old said.
This Ann Arbor News article includes the following statistics:
"While 84 percent of all U-M students graduate within six years, the figures are 75 percent for Hispanics, 72 percent for Native Americans and 66 percent for African-Americans. "
Although U-M administrator and advisor to the president Lester Monts tries to steer blame away from any specific environment or policy here at U-M, arguing it reflects greater social inequalities:
"We don't get (African American) students from private schools like Phillips Exeter (in New Hampshire). We get very few from Greenhills. A good number come from inner city high schools that are inadequately funded," Monts said. "It's a tribute that the 66 percent did graduate. They rose to the challenge. They had fortitude and the ability to cope."
Other stories of note from the Ann Arbor News:
>"Recipients transform letters of hate into symbols of peace"
>"Man injured in altercation at bar"
>"End of semester sees rash of textbook thefts"
>"Positive ID delayed on unearthed body of girl"
>"Handicapped U-M student forged paths"
Posted by Rob at 8:38 PM