Wednesday, April 23, 2003
A reader alerted me to the death of a 23-year old U-M student apparently murdered by a 47-year old Belleville man who then committed suicide. He wrote: "What surprises me is that the Daily hasn't done any web updates (since it is a pretty big story concerning a student) nor has the University sent out any of their standard "for grieving help, see CAPS" emails."Ann Arbor News coverage:
April 21: "Police seek suspeect in shooting death"
April 22: "Police think killer committed suicide"
April 23: "Murder-suicide case takes bizarre turn"
Free Press - April 23: "Cops look for man's daughter"
Local 4 : "Letter: Canton murderr suspect's daughter bured in fruit cellar"
7 News: Police search foor murder suspect's missing daughter"
Posted by Rob at 1:32 PM