Saturday, March 29, 2003
IFC President Branden Muhl has written to me about my post below, insisting his quote was taken out of context and asking me to remove my post. I replied, telling him about the "comments" feature and offering to post a rebuttle on his behalf. He replied, declining the offer. I maintain: I believe his comments connecting people who "don't fit" with people who are "below the bar," is making an insensitive statement no matter the context. Branden, I simply said that your comments were "quasi-racist," something I will stand by. I don't know anything about you or your beliefs. If you would like to defend yourself, you are more than welcome to do it in the same manner as everyone else: through a full and public discussion. Here's the part of the article in question:Branden Muhl, president of the Interfraternity Council, says points provided to minorities rewards "blatantly unqualified people."
About 2,500 predominantly white students are in Michigan's Greek system, and another 2,500 students belong to black fraternities or multicultural fraternities, which attract international students.
Muhl acknowledges the self-segregation in fraternities and sororities but says members are simply seeking "a comfort zone. It's just natural."
"My view on the whole diversity thing is, if you're coming to a place where you don't fit, or you're so far below the bar and you have to come to this place and compete, you have problems," said Muhl, who is white and a junior business major from Kansas City, Kan.
"I think the whole diversity thing Michigan (trumpets) is sort of a sham," he added. "The only place where it's diverse is the dorms."
Posted by Rob at 8:42 PM