
Something New in the Water

DC officials have given the green light for the chemical orthophosphates to be added to the public drinking water around August 9th in the ongoing effort to control lead which has been discovered exceeding the EPA's legal limit in water in thousands of DC homes. It is hoped the orthophosphates will form a protective coating on existing lead pipes, slowing the leaching of that chemical into the water supply. However, that protective coating might not materialize "possibly until a year or longer." Just super.

" ... Capacasa recommended that District residents with excessive lead levels continue to use water filters and flush their pipes for 10 minutes daily if their homes have lead service lines.

"Local agencies and EPA will notify the public when these measures are no longer needed," he said.

WASA announced this week that General Electric has donated 12,500 water pitchers designed to filter out lead. Those pitchers will be distributed free to residents who have excessive lead in their water. About 30,000 filters, donated by Brita and PUR, already have been distributed, the agency said."

> WPost: "Anti-Lead Additive Program Expanding"
> Information from the DC Water and Sewer Authority


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