
Going to the RNC Convention?

Here's a list of protests that have received permits from the NYPD - if you are looking to protest without risking arrest or personal danger, a permitted event put on by a large organization seems like a good bet.

"The Police Department has issued the following permits for protests and demonstrations during the week of the Republican National Convention:

Christian Defense Coalition, Aug. 28, Seventh Avenue across from Madison Square Garden, for a prayer vigil.

Planned Parenthood, Aug. 28, march from Cadman Plaza across Brooklyn Bridge to City Hall Park for a demonstration.

Middle East Peace Coalition, Aug. 28, Union Square, southeast triangle, for a demonstration.

Code Pink Women for Peace, Aug. 29, Riverside Park, Eleanor Roosevelt Corner, for a rally.

Poor People's Economic Human Rights, Aug. 30, Dag Hammarskjold Plaza, for a rally.

NARAL Pro-Choice America, Aug. 31, Union Square Park, North Plaza, for demonstration.

People for the American Way, Aug. 31, Central Park Bandshell, for a reading of the U.S. Constitution.

New York Central Labor Council, Sept. 1, Eighth Avenue and West 31st Street, for a rally.

"The Line," Sept. 1, for individuals from a coalition of arts and labor organizations to stand along Broadway from Wall Street to West 31st Street holding mock pink slips.

Activist Ellen Freudenheim, Sept. 1, Union Square Park, South Plaza, for an anti-gun-violence display. (Newsday)


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